Saber's Counter Picks
Saber is strong Against

Saber is weak Against

Saber is strong Against

Saber is weak Against

Tips for Saber
stun and gank him before he opens his ulti183
Anything that moves or breathes, saber counters it. The right loadout allows him to one hit KO tanks 4 levels behind him, with ultimate. If flying swords hit you, your defense goes down.90
Never engage with clash if you don't have equipments yet. Use Saber's Ultimate and kill solo laner63
try to epiq saber with your best & try1 hit kill in custom&classic too10
Ambush people, but don't get ambushed in turn. His Ultimate is his jewel, and without it, he's weak.00
Saber must be like other heroes that always choose in meta in rank mode to me saber ulti meed to be more powerfull because saber triple sweep to little damage and his ulti just againt to one enemies33
Saber can be easily countered by lesley using purify, endless battle, berserkers fury, rosegold meteor, sea halbered, wind chant, blade of despair but this build can be adjustd its about how you play00
Never ult on tanky enemies like Fighters/Tanks, ult on immobile and squishy MM's and Mages.00
Saber can be useless if he have used his ult. So be carefull using your ultimate...11
Play saber on top lane (because ther are a lots of solo laner like fanny). Play with tank or cc fighter (2-1-2)01
Saber is nightmare to every assasins and mm in the Land of Dawn.There is 1 build that can easily kill every hero even tanks. Build Rapid boots/Wizard boots, Blade of Heptaseas,Bod,HS and lastly MR12
The Saber Counter Item Is Brute Force46
Saber relies on burst damage, but has little sustain abilities. If you're playing as an MM, kite carefully. Don't engage too close to Saber without teammates. He could one-hit squishes late game.35
stun and gank him before he opens his ulti183
Anything that moves or breathes, saber counters it. The right loadout allows him to one hit KO tanks 4 levels behind him, with ultimate. If flying swords hit you, your defense goes down.90
Never engage with clash if you don't have equipments yet. Use Saber's Ultimate and kill solo laner63
try to epiq saber with your best & try1 hit kill in custom&classic too10
Ambush people, but don't get ambushed in turn. His Ultimate is his jewel, and without it, he's weak.00
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Saber's Stats
Saber's Abilities

Dealing damage to a target reduces their physical defense by 7. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 5s.

Shoots out 4/4/4/4/4/4 flying swords, with each sword dealing up to 160/180/200/220/240/260 pts of physical damage. Swords will spin around the hero for a time and then fly back to Saber. Using the Charge ability will call the swords back earlier. Swords also deal damage if they hit an enemy on their way back. (This skill only gets 40% of spell vamp)

Charges towards a specified place, dealing 80/100/120/140/160/180 pts of physical damage to enemies along the way.

Attacks an enemy hero, knocking the target airborne and then dealing 3 blows in a row, each blow causing 200/230/260 pts of physical damage to the enemy.