Layla's Counter Picks
Layla is strong Against

Layla is weak Against

Layla is strong Against

Layla is weak Against

Tips for Layla
Jack off to Rule 34 pics and vids of her. My god I want to shove my fists up her sweet pussy and ass.336
Although Layla has a super weak early game with no mobility compared to to other MM, she is a god late game. Her main strength only shines when she bought her 5th-6th item.3331
easiest adc in game yet still people who play it sucks lmao10
Layla is my main hero 4000 matches Super Lakas niya pag late game Kaya Epic comeback lagi❤️10
set attack speed and phy atk in eblem with 1st talent farm in gold lane fast meanwhile attack turrent if your flicker is ready flameshot is extremely useful if you are pro in layla to kill assassin00
The best hero for trolling your whole team.33
focus on,critical, lifsteal and movement items they are the best combo for items, you could end up with some savage kills00
My favorite technique is to use arrival and arrive and the location where there is a team fight and use ulti to scare enemies off (sometimes killing) in the process.00
Her AA range is insanely high late game which ables to her to kill her enemies fast before even getting to touch her. She will need at least a tank beside her to protect her for being bursted.2525
just go gold lane and kill minions and atta00
Build: Swift Boots, Windtalker, Scarlet Phantom, Berserker's Fury, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair. Farm (specially the red buff) and stay away from the enemies until the late game.34
Layla is very weak at early game, You must Farm or go gold lane to get items if your in late then Gud luck :)01
Just push if at war stay at back for I use flicker01
if you want to use layla in solo, you must farm first and help your team in fights. then buy the right equipment for her that suites her in solo.01
She has no mobility skills so be sure to get as close as you can if you know you can burst her down. Unless she uses Flicker, she won't stand a chance against very high burst damage.67
Layla is quite good now just use flicker and farm nonstop on early game then you will carry your team in the late game12
Focus on last hitting enemy minions at early game, then attack speed and critical strike in mid game, damage/defense for late game02
Jack off to Rule 34 pics and vids of her. My god I want to shove my fists up her sweet pussy and ass.336
Although Layla has a super weak early game with no mobility compared to to other MM, she is a god late game. Her main strength only shines when she bought her 5th-6th item.3331
easiest adc in game yet still people who play it sucks lmao10
Layla is my main hero 4000 matches Super Lakas niya pag late game Kaya Epic comeback lagi❤️10
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Layla's Stats
Layla's Abilities

Basic attacks and abilities will do even more damage to long-range targets, at most increasing from 100% to 130%.

Fires a Malefic Energy Bomb forward that will deal 200/240/280/320/360/400 physical damage to the first enemy it hits.

Fires an energy ball that explodes at the feet of an enemy target, dealing 170/200/230/260/290/320 physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, also slowing them down 60%/60%/60%/60%/60%/60%, lasting for 2/2/2/2/2/2s. This ability's range will increase with its level.

Fires an energy cannon that deals 500/650/800 physical damage to enemies in front of it. Each upgrade of this skill will raise basic attack distance 0.4/0.4/0.4.