Johnson's Counter Picks
Johnson is strong Against

Johnson is weak Against

Johnson is strong Against

Johnson is weak Against

Tips for Johnson
Master johnsons Ult.It will be the key to victory.And dont forget to use the right build.110
Take advantage of recalling at level 4 then going back to lane using your ult with your duo laner, it will get you back in lane faster and might as well get a kill with that tactic if it hits an enemy71
If you're laning alone, BE CAREFUL. Retreat to the bush or the jungle when Johnson is missing from the map. He might be driving your way for a surprise gank.61
Don't EVER drive solo because if you crush into the enemy they might outnumber you or worse kill you if they counter you!31
Johnson weakness by Esmeralda shield 1st skill can be absorb johnson passive31
Know your turning radius! You can drive between the Lord spawn spots forever and weave through the jungle to land that surprise angle.20
If using jhonson 3rd skill or ss you need to step back like recalling, jhonson is really durable so if you want to ambush an enemy inside the turret just use ss or the 3rd skill with a friend to kill10
How do you get out on Johnson when you are riding10
Practise driving through the jungle so you can crash enemies from behind as the opponents tanks are normally in front to block the damage for their weaker teammates00
Get a hero with low CD blink or have your blink raedy to doged johnson when he's driving towards you.00
Don't drink and drive. And don't use your phone while driving00
Spam ult + petrify+ ult in any teamfight, the outcome is pretty solid most of the time. Tip: Say ult cd is 30 s Just tap ult, circle the base 10 times and ride off to break some hearts. Good luck00
Johnson is strong against sunburn. Johnson is strong against sweat.00
Quanto mais armadura você coloca no jonshon mais dano você vai ter na primeira skill00
Sometimes when you miss a tower or don't know where the enemy is, keep driving in your lane and you might accidentally find one or more them and knocked them out. Johnson is similar to Fanny in speed!01
Master johnsons Ult.It will be the key to victory.And dont forget to use the right build.110
Take advantage of recalling at level 4 then going back to lane using your ult with your duo laner, it will get you back in lane faster and might as well get a kill with that tactic if it hits an enemy71
If you're laning alone, BE CAREFUL. Retreat to the bush or the jungle when Johnson is missing from the map. He might be driving your way for a surprise gank.61
Don't EVER drive solo because if you crush into the enemy they might outnumber you or worse kill you if they counter you!31
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Johnson's Stats
Johnson's Abilities

When Johnson's HP is lower than 30%, he will generate a shield, absorbing an amount of damage based on his armor. Lasts 10s. This effect can only be triggered once within a certain period of time.

Throws a spanner forwards, causing damage to enemies in its path. Enemies in the area the spanner lands will be stunned.

With shield raised high, deals continuous damage forwards in a fan shape and slows enemies. Basic attacks and Deadly Pincers can still be used while this skill is active.

Passive: Increases armor by 10%/20%/30%. Active: Johnson jumps up and transforms into a car, accelerating increasingly. Teammates can get in the car when it's moving slowly and then rush forward along with Johnson. Only one teammate can fit inside at a time. The car will explode upon hitting an enemy, stunning the target and nearby enemies for 0.5/0.5/0.5-1/1/1 sec, and dealing 300/450/600-750/1125/1500 magic damage according to the car's speed. After the explosion, the ground will be electrified for 3s, slowing and damaging enemies caught in the area. When the car is going slowly, tap the skill again (Throttle) to move faster. When you are going fast, tap the skill (Brake) to stop.