Freya's Counter Picks
Freya is strong Against

Freya is weak Against

Freya is strong Against

Freya is weak Against

Tips for Freya
Freya always go for ganks. Once she has lifesteal, crit and spd, it can yolo 4 vs 1. Tho she slower in early game but late game, SHE'S A MONSTER. Always standby for 2nd skill, jump & stun - Mojo Jojo3413
Once she's stunned or knocked up, she'll be weaker.3013
Always target mm and mage, especially those who haven't got an escape skill, ulti for slowing it down.172
Always use ulti to see nata's presence, standby stun before nata's oblivion114
lauda ka freya hai bc can't even run10
For me the best build for freya to have a lifesteal with insane damage is with this three combo 1.Endless battle 2.Berseker's fury 3.Scarlet Phanto You have to farm faster to get this item10
Try playing Freya inspire! The sheer speed at which she shreds the enemy while healing herself for every basic attack due to Inspire's effect makes it godly on her. Turret diving is viable with it.10
nunca use a ult perto da esmeralda pois a passiva dela é absorver escudos10
You can make a freestyle with skill number 1 and flicker 1 step you have to use the skill and use flicker as fast as tou can and use the ulti if you want because this freestyle will confiused your ene10
Always use flicker because most people run when freya use her ultimate skill. (same like argus)10
My build mostly goes Warrior Boots, BF, SP, Haass Claws, WOTAQ and lastly BoD most so/ Antique Quirass/ another SP/ Dominance Ice/ BFB/ Athena's Shield/ EB/ Blade Armor/ DHS/ RGM.10
Always remember that before you gank first to click the godspeed strike which is it's 2nd skill and gank using 1st skill and always have a partner to help you to gank.00
Freya always go for ganks. Once she has lifesteal, crit and spd, it can yolo 4 vs 1. Tho she slower in early game but late game, SHE'S A MONSTER. Always standby for 2nd skill, jump & stun - Mojo Jojo3413
Once she's stunned or knocked up, she'll be weaker.3013
Always target mm and mage, especially those who haven't got an escape skill, ulti for slowing it down.172
Always use ulti to see nata's presence, standby stun before nata's oblivion114
lauda ka freya hai bc can't even run10
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Freya's Stats
Freya's Abilities

Generates a sacred shield surrounding the hero after every 2nd basic attack. When it is stacked 3 times, it will activate the sacred shield accelerator, dealing damage to any enemy that it hits. (Has no effect on minions)

Jumps into a target area, dealing 240/265/290/315/340/365 physical damage to enemies in the area and pulling the enemies to the middle.

Enhances the attack speed of first 3/3/3/3/3/3 basic attacks within 5/5/5/5/5/5s. Attack #3/3/3/3/3/3 will stun targets in a forward fan-shaped area and deal additional 180/200/220/240/260/280 physical damage to them.

Enters Valkyrie mode, dealing 360/480/600 physical damage to surrounding enemies and slowing them down. Meanwhile, the hero's physical attack increases by 20/40/60, and armor and magic resistance increase by 15/30/45. Using this skill grants a shield which absorbs at least 200/300/400 damage, based on the number of enemies it affects, and lasts for 2/2/2s.