Chang'E's Counter Picks
Chang'E is strong Against

Chang'E is weak Against

Chang'E is strong Against

Chang'E is weak Against

Tips for Chang'E
Play safe in thr beginning and grind first.310
Always choose the 2nd skill before her other skills... it doubles her damage to her enemies. Choose the perfect skills to deal huge damage to enemies4014
Mana Regen is a have-must for Chang'e since she relies on her 2nd skill. For taking care of tanks, use Glowing Wand. Instead, use Necklace of Durance against High DPS & Lifesteal222
As long as your 2nd skill is ready to use, you have Flicker (or Sprint for low-levels), and you have nice precision, those meta heroes can't kill you, let alone catch you.3415
Try not to lose her shield from 2nd skill, or else her skills won't deal much damage.132
when trying to get blue, use her ulti if theres no fights. it lets you farm quickly and her ulti cooldown isn't that bad.80
Always protect Chang'e life at the early game (the purpose is not to delay)! If can help you to get a great damage at late game. Purify is the best battle spell.20
attack from the back when you are strong enough, they won't have any choice but to die since your upfront and kills them, use flameshot to force them forward again.10
Mana Regen is a have-must for Chang'e since she relies on her 2nd skill. For taking care of tanks, use Glowing Wand. Instead, use Necklace of Durance against High DPS & Lifesteal00
Always position Chang'e behind the tank!00
Chang-Chang should clear the minion waves with her burst. And everyone gets her combo wrong. Skill2-Basic Attack(Optional), - 1st skill(Buff) Then Burst. Make sure ice queen wand is equipped.00
Full Item Damage Build in late game, You just have to spam 1st skill 14 times (without minions) to destroy the High Ground Turret, and 8 times for Normal Turret530
Play safe in thr beginning and grind first.310
Always choose the 2nd skill before her other skills... it doubles her damage to her enemies. Choose the perfect skills to deal huge damage to enemies4014
Mana Regen is a have-must for Chang'e since she relies on her 2nd skill. For taking care of tanks, use Glowing Wand. Instead, use Necklace of Durance against High DPS & Lifesteal222
As long as your 2nd skill is ready to use, you have Flicker (or Sprint for low-levels), and you have nice precision, those meta heroes can't kill you, let alone catch you.3415
Try not to lose her shield from 2nd skill, or else her skills won't deal much damage.132
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Chang'E's Stats
Chang'E's Abilities

Dealing damage to a target hero grants Chang'e one stack of Moon Rabbit's Blessing. For every 40 stacks of Blessings Chang'e can increase her magical attack by 40. When Chang'e is killed in battle, she loses 15 stacks of Blessings. (Stacks already used to increase magical attack are unaffected.)

Chang'e summons a Moonlight Hologram at the designated location that continuously reduces enemy movement speeds. After some time, Chang'e pulls enemy units to the center, dealing 250(+60% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage. Enemy units caught in this final attack will suffer a severe speed reduction.

Chang'e continuously launches 5 energy balls forward, which deal 120(+45% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to the first enemy unit they encounter (surrounding targets take 60% of damage as Magic Damage). If all three energy balls hit the same unit, the target will be stunned for 15% seconds. The same target can only be stunned once per 1 seconds. For a short time after using this skill, Chang'e increases her movement speed by 6.

Chang'e launches a rabbit missile forward, which deals 240(+100% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to the first enemy hit and then immediately splits into six smaller missiles that continue chasing the target. Each missile deals 150(+60% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage. If the rabbit missile flies its full distance without hitting a target, it will split into 6 smaller missiles and randomly chase the nearest enemy units. Missiles that hit the same trarget will result in weaker damage.