Alucard's Counter Picks
Alucard is strong Against

Alucard is weak Against

Alucard is strong Against

Alucard is weak Against

Tips for Alucard
One stun is all it takes to destroy this dude.16953
Farm faster and join clash and gank699
First Item should be like a Farming Item like nimble knife5113
Focus on ganking and surprising the enemy squishes then only go after the tanks347
Be wary of CC's they will kill you261
Having lifesteal in early doesnt mean ur strong dont hesitate to fight without ur ult or teammates in clash or clearing lanes2810
Alucard is a very farm dependent hero. The best Alucard users are those who basically disappear for the first few minutes, keep farming and farming, clearing lanes and jungles.140
While it may be true that Alucard can be cc'ed and killed easily, if u use the right build and play right (targetting squishy, joining the teamfight at the right time, and ambushing) u can 1v5 ;)111
Wait until you are sufficiently farmed to engage. If you start to die early on you will fall behind, quickly losing your only leverage as Alucard.60
Don't be greedy and don't tower dive115
Alucard is good if you know what items to buy in early and late game. But dont join fights if you think you will die. Go for the lonely and squishy heroes51
It's hard to play Alucard when the team mates don't know how to rotate62
Alucard dosent lose in chou, because if u did, you might have chosen the wrong build. The only hereos that can defeat alucard are the ones who can stun him longer.74
Alucard in this new revamp is strong and painful especialy in the early game so once you have your 2nd and 1st skill, try to scare the enemy in your lane so that u can have peace while farming41
always use jungle items at early game and mid game should be lifesteal items like endless battle and always buy blade of despair and for last game you should buy queen wings and buy blade of heptaseas42
dont go in bushes because you can die any moment, pro tip alucard is a lifesteal god so get the items he needs20
dont go go to far from your teammates just dont go too deep n dont get stun lock20
Use him as assassin in early game but fighter in late20
Using Tigreal will take down Alu-Card20
*alucard"s 3rd skill has no effect on lord so try to get the lord slained by your team.*inspire is the best spell for alucard*10
why r u guiz writing such tips...:\43
Just copy the top 1 build and emblem remember 2 farm and after u get ur 1st item gank the enemy in mid and then keep farming and pushing lane, try to kill the enemy that's in ur lane and win10
If you ever had low health (say below 50%) and you happen to get into a fight, use your ulti and immediately release the wave, then you fight with your other 2 skills but don't forget your passive :)10
Always suprise attack Alucard bcuz he will suprise you (makes no sense)10
While ganking dont charge first Charge last and charge from behind and you can handle 1v5 too ;)10
When in clash engage late. Let the enemies used their cc first (Crowd control) then you engage11
Always jump last in team fights if you the first to jump you will be fu*ked in 2 seconds00
Ganging is most important that for alucard00
Just dont use Alucard................00
Just dont use Alucard................00
When your going against damage team buythe tough boots after the nimble blade11
One tip:full stacked full item Aldous00
Fast Game is good for Alucard, because in the late game, Alucard is considered weak against other heroes, unless you manage your build accordingly.33
When farming, try to use skill 1 as much as possible when traveling from creep to creep, and use your passive to jump to the creep when already in range if passive still up.00
CCs are the hardest counter for this guy but you can do a 1 v 5 if you know how to farm and do the right build. I think that the best item for him is the Endless Battle. Follow me Kentotis, for more00
1. Never forget to get buffed 2. Don't rush to get lifesteal, warrior boots way more important 3. He have only 2 core items, first is the basic att lifesteal and second is critical att. 4. Avoid stun00
If enemy pick belerick dont pick alucard00
you need bod in the mid to late game is a good item00
Do not use up all your skills in a 1v1 situation , try to save up for reinforcements23
Just dont use Alucard................39
One stun is all it takes to destroy this dude.16953
Farm faster and join clash and gank699
First Item should be like a Farming Item like nimble knife5113
Focus on ganking and surprising the enemy squishes then only go after the tanks347
Be wary of CC's they will kill you261
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Alucard's Stats
Alucard's Abilities

If it hits 1 enemy, deals damage x 1.2. If it hits 2 enemy, deals damage x 1.1. Next basic attack after using skill deals damage x 1.2 and move to the target.

Leaps forward and launches 1/1/1/1/1/1 strikes. Each strike deals 240/270/300/330/360/390 pts of physical damage to the enemy and slow them down.

Slashes at enemies in the area, dealing 230/260/290/320/350/380 physical damage.

Raises the hero's physical lifesteal 20%/25%/30% and also locks onto an enemy, dealing extra damage with any attacks on the target and raising lifesteal 100%/100%/100% for 8/8/8s. While the skill lasts, the hero can fire powerful attack waves forward, dealing 440/600/760 physical damage to enemies.