Akai's Counter Picks
Akai is strong Against

Akai is weak Against

Akai is strong Against

Akai is weak Against

Tips for Akai
Always mark the enemies using your 2nd skill before using your 1st skill to jump on them. This way you stun your enemies.6615
Use petrify as battle spell to stun enemies334
Right after releasing skill 2 (the frog), you should release his jump. This way you can stun the enemy immediately.143
You can use the ultimate to help your teammates flee when they're being chased and they have low hp132
Use assault to further chase down enemy or seperate them during fights. You also can use the same spell to disengage40
Golden staff + demon hunter + 2nd skill mark + inspire + hp build will literally melt anyone who tries to head on straight up fight you20
Go on the back of enemies. Then use the third skill. For your allies be able to attack them.10
Fiske ile düşman arkasına geçip kendi kulenize veya takim arkadaşlarınıza itebilirsinjz10
Zhask has beautiful eye balls. I enjoy them very very much.00
Zhask has beautiful eye balls. I enjoy them very very much.00
inspire and demon hunter sword, then all HP items00
test asfdsd fdsafdsafdsafsadfdsafdsaf asf00
subscribe to my channel dickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy looks good00
Don't use akai and this is how we are going to win47
Always mark the enemies using your 2nd skill before using your 1st skill to jump on them. This way you stun your enemies.6615
Use petrify as battle spell to stun enemies334
Right after releasing skill 2 (the frog), you should release his jump. This way you can stun the enemy immediately.143
You can use the ultimate to help your teammates flee when they're being chased and they have low hp132
Use assault to further chase down enemy or seperate them during fights. You also can use the same spell to disengage40
Submit a Tip
Akai's Stats
Akai's Abilities

Everytime a spell is cast, Akai will receive a shield on top of his maximum health that blocks 8%/8%/8%/8%/8%/8% of damage taken, lasting 2/2/2/2/2/2 seconds, can only take effect every 2.5/2.5/2.5/2.5/2.5/2.5 seconds.

Jump into the target area, dealing 300/350/400/450/500/550 physical damage to enemies after landing, targets within the marked area will also be stunned for 2/2/2/2/2/2 seconds

Fires a frog shaped shock wave at the enemy, shock wave will explode on contact with the enemy or once it reaches maximum range, dealing 350/380/410/440/470/500 points of physical damage, marking enemies for 5/5/5/5/5/5 seconds; basic attacks on marked targets will an extra 5%/5%/5%/5%/5%/5% of Akai's maximum health as physical damage.

Spins like a tornado for 3.5/3.5/3.5seconds and starts hitting targets. Each collision will knock back the target and deal 180/360/540 magic damage, (damage decays against same target). After casting, removes all CC effects present on self, during the duration Akai will be impervious to all CC and have increased movement speed by 30/30/30 points.